Discord Player
Creating a music bot

Creating a Queue Command

Learn how to create a queue command for your music bot

In this guide, we will learn how to create a queue command in your Discord bot using Discord Player. The queue command will display the current queue of tracks in the voice channel.

import { SlashCommandBuilder } from 'discord.js';
import { useQueue } from 'discord-player';
export const data = new SlashCommandBuilder()
  .setName('queue') // Command name
  .setDescription('Display the current queue'); // Command description
export async function execute(interaction) {
  // Get the current queue
  const queue = useQueue();
  if (!queue) {
    return interaction.reply(
      'This server does not have an active player session.',
  // Get the current track
  const currentTrack = queue.current;
  // Get the upcoming tracks
  const upcomingTracks = queue.tracks.slice(0, 5);
  // Create a message with the current track and upcoming tracks
  const message = [
    `**Now Playing:** ${currentTrack.title} - ${currentTrack.author}`,
    '**Upcoming Tracks:**',
      (track, index) => `${index + 1}. ${track.title} - ${track.author}`,
  // Send the message
  return interaction.reply(message);

In the example above, we are only displaying the current track and the next 5 upcoming tracks to keep things minimal and easy to understand. You can modify the number of upcoming tracks to display by changing the slice method argument. You may also handle pagination if you have a large number of tracks in the queue.

In this example:

  • We define a new slash command named queue using SlashCommandBuilder.
  • We use the useQueue hook to get the current queue.
  • If there is no active player session, we reply with an appropriate message.
  • We get the current track and upcoming tracks from the queue.
  • We create a message with the current track and upcoming tracks and send it as a reply.