Discord Player
Creating a music bot

Player Context Setup

Learn how to setup Discord Player context in your command handler

Discord Player context allows your bot to manage queues and other player specific features more efficiently. If you do not wish to use context, you may skip this guide.

Design Planning

Before we dive into the code, let's plan the design of our player context setup:

  1. Command Handler: We will modify the command handler to wrap command.execute in a player context provider.
  2. Context Data: We will provide the necessary context data (e.g., guild) to the player context provider.
  3. Main Player Hook: We will use the useMainPlayer hook to get the main player instance.

Setting up Player Context

To set up the player context, you need to provide the context data to the player context provider. Here is an example of how you can set up the player context:

// Almost all command handlers have the following line of code
await command.execute(interaction); 

You will need to wrap command.execute in a player context provider like this:

import { useMainPlayer } from 'discord-player'; 
// inside your command handler
const player = useMainPlayer(); 

const data = {
  guild: interaction.guild, 
await player.context.provide(data, () => command.execute(interaction)); 

Keep in mind, the command handler above is just an example. Your command handler may look different. Make sure to adjust the code according to your needs.

useMainPlayer is a hook that provides the main player instance. You must call this hook after initializing the player.

In the example above, we are providing the guild data to the player context. This allows the player to manage the queue and other player specific features more efficiently.

In the next section, we will learn how to create play command.

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