Discord Player


An Opus decoder stream. Note that any stream you pipe into this must be in object mode and should output Opus packets.

OpusDecoder extends OpusStream

An Opus decoder stream.

Note that any stream you pipe into this must be in object mode and should output Opus packets.


public _options: any

public _required: any

public encoder: any

public type: any

Returns the Opus module being used - mediaplex, opusscript, node-opus, or @discordjs/opus.


public setBitrate(bitrate): void

Sets the bitrate of the stream.

bitratenumberthe bitrate to use use, e.g. 48000

public setFEC(enabled): void

Enables or disables forward error correction.

enabledbooleanwhether or not to enable FEC.

public setPLP(percentage?): void

Sets the expected packet loss over network transmission.

percentagenumbera percentage (represented between 0 and 1)

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