Represents an audio resource that can be played by an audio player.
Represents an audio resource that can be played by an audio player.
Parameter | Type | Optional |
edges | readonly Array<Edge> | ❌ |
streams | readonly Array<Readable> | ❌ |
metadata | Metadata | ❌ |
silencePaddingFrames | number | ❌ |
public audioPlayer: any
The audio player that the resource is subscribed to, if any.
public edges: any
The pipeline used to convert the input stream into a playable format. For example, this may contain an FFmpeg component for arbitrary inputs, and it may contain a VolumeTransformer component for resources with inline volume transformation enabled.
public encoder: any
If using an Opus encoder to create this audio resource, then this will be a @discord-player/opus
You can use this to control settings such as bitrate, FEC, PLP.
public metadata: any
Optional metadata that can be used to identify the resource.
public playStream: any
An object-mode Readable stream that emits Opus packets. This is what is played by audio players.
public playbackDuration: any
The playback duration of this audio resource, given in milliseconds.
public silencePaddingFrames: any
The number of silence frames to append to the end of the resource's audio stream, to prevent interpolation glitches.
public silenceRemaining: any
The number of remaining silence frames to play. If -1, the frames have not yet started playing.
public started: any
Whether or not the stream for this resource has started (data has become readable)
public volume: any
If the resource was created with inline volume transformation enabled, then this will be a
VolumeTransformer. You can use this to alter the volume of the stream.
public ended: any
Whether this resource has ended or not.
public readable: any
Whether this resource is readable. If the underlying resource is no longer readable, this will still return true while there are silence padding frames left to play.
public read(): null | Buffer
Attempts to read an Opus packet from the audio resource. If a packet is available, the playbackDuration is incremented.