No description provided
Property | Type | Value | Description |
author | string | N/A | The author |
cleanTitle | string | N/A | The seralised title |
description | string | N/A | The description |
duration | string | N/A | The duration |
engine | any | N/A | The engine |
live | boolean | N/A | If this track is live |
playlist | Playlist | N/A | The playlist |
queryType | SearchQueryType | N/A | The query type |
raw | any | N/A | The raw data |
requestedBy | null | User | N/A | The user who requested this track |
source | TrackSource | N/A | The source |
thumbnail | string | N/A | The thumbnail |
title | string | N/A | The title |
url | string | N/A | The url |
views | number | N/A | The duration in ms |