No description provided
Parameter | Type | Optional |
queue | GuildQueue<Meta> | ❌ |
public queue: any
public tracks: any
public currentTrack: any
Current track in the queue
public disabled: any
If history is disabled
public nextTrack: any
Next track in the queue
public previousTrack: any
Previous track in the queue
public size: any
Gets the size of the queue
public back(preserveCurrent): Promise<void>
Alias to [GuildQueueHistory].previous()
Parameter | Type | Optional |
preserveCurrent | boolean | ❌ |
public clear(): void
Clear history
public getSize(): number
public isEmpty(): boolean
If history is empty
public next(): Promise<void>
Play the next track in the queue
public previous(preserveCurrent): Promise<void>
Play the previous track in the queue
Parameter | Type | Optional |
preserveCurrent | boolean | ❌ |
public push(track): boolean
Add track to track history
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
track | Track<unknown>Array<Track<unknown>> | ❌ | The track to add |
public resize(): void
Resize history store